We got a Note from Bee regarding Gem, this is what she said:


I wanted to let you all know that gem had a stroke yesterday just before noon. She is in the hospital, but is greatly improved. No motor skills problems, just still has problems with verbal expression. She said she has been very fortunate in this and is ready to do what she needs to do to take better care of herself. Her daughter and older son are with her so I could come back to the house to eat, shower and change. They are already starting to talk about releasing her, probably not today, but soon. Please keep the good thoughts coming her way and I will update as soon as I can.


Please join Play for Tads a keep a good thought for Gem

Hoping for a speedy recovery.

Thinking of you gem. Hoping for a speedy recovery. Take care.

Dear Gem,
hope you will recover soon.
My thoughts are with you.
I mis "the early bird here",it is not the same without you here.
XXX Sneeuw/Nicole

God is good. Gem is home, just got released from the hospital. She will be taking it slow and easy, so MAY be back on here tomorrow (Sunday), but not at 4 am. Thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts. They are appreciated more than you know. Our PFT family is the best!!!! Love to all.

Bee and gem

So glad to hear your home and starting on your road to recovery. Sending healing light your way and lots of prayers for a speedy recovery. Lots of love, missed you

Hi Gem good to hear you have played a game here Take it easy step by step hope to see you here myself soon or later,greetings Sneeuw

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