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Stickyball Stickyball Filed Under: Action - Bubble Shooter
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115 plays
Date added: 2016-01-03
Description: Stickyball is a game in which balls love to stick to each other, group them by colour to destroy them to score!
Instructions: Your goal is to match three or more the same coloured stickyballs together. Aim with your mouse in the direction you would like to launch and click the left mouse button. The longer your hold the button, the more launch power your ball will have.

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    TravelinMan (12543243) Omega Gamer - 2016-07-22, 09:10
    sticky? not for me! bouncy, wrong way yes, sticky no!

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    busybee (5059) Beta Gamer - 2016-02-25, 06:31
    Fun game, although I don't think I played it correctly. Cleared the room though.

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    HavaA (7260885) Omega Gamer - 2016-02-24, 16:34

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    deb (26567830) - 2016-02-12, 07:52
    They are sticky balls if you don't give them too much power, then they are bouncing balls.

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    Sandman (1470) Yard Surfer - 2016-01-08, 07:53
    Fun game ! good music too :)

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