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68 Online playing
Zilch Zilch Filed Under: Casino - Dice Games
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332 plays
Date added: 2015-09-30
Description: Zilch is a dice game of skill and luck.
Instructions: Knowing when to take the points or roll again and take a chance is a matter of skill or luck! In-game tutorial explains how to play the game. For a summary on the scoring, click on the "Rules and Scoring" button on the main menu.

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    TravelinMan (12543243) Omega Gamer - 2016-08-25, 19:43
    one comment here had the key, it doesn't pay to get too greedy!

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    TravelinMan (12543243) Omega Gamer - 2016-06-01, 05:31
    great game, combines luck and skill.

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    TravelinMan (12543243) Omega Gamer - 2016-05-31, 07:13
    better to bank then get zilch

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    Divina (25309854) - 2016-05-26, 05:28
    Why do I get the feeling that when you play against the computer,computer always cheats?

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    busybee (5059) Beta Gamer - 2015-11-04, 19:18
    choose carefully and don't get too greedy.

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