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Secrets of Aztecs Secrets of Aztecs Filed Under: Puzzle Games - Mahjong Classic
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Secrets of Aztecs
30 plays
Date added: 2015-05-28
Description: Learn secrets of Aztecs in this amusing puzzle.
Instructions: Disassemble all design of tiles and gather as many points possible.

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  • avatar
    Gilwood (34001552) - 2019-12-26, 15:37
    Basic mahjong game.

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    busybee (5059) Beta Gamer - 2016-10-30, 16:06
    Cleared the board except for the last two tiles that in no way matched.

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    TravelinMan (12543243) Omega Gamer - 2016-06-02, 22:02
    standard theme (loosely) based mahjong game

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