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Brave Bird Brave Bird Filed Under: MD Action - MD Platform Games
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Brave Bird
93 plays
Date added: 2018-08-03
Description: Tap or left mouse click to fly. Collect the blue gems and avoid the thorn bushes.
Instructions: Mouse and Tap gameplay.

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    TravelinMan (12543243) Omega Gamer - 2019-07-05, 06:44
    whoa! hard one!

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    deb (17391405) Omega Gamer - 2019-05-23, 06:54
    I agree, very difficult to control the bird!

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    Divina (25309854) - 2018-08-05, 07:25
    Very difficult to control. You need to tap to move up then stop and let it drop a bit when it gets too close to a bush, aiming for the middle of the wall between two bushes. It takes many attempts and more patience than I possess.

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    gem (3511200) Psi Gamer - 2018-08-03, 20:44
    This one is terribly difficult on a desktop. It might be easier on a smart phone, but I'll never know since I have a flip phone.

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    HavaA (7260885) Omega Gamer - 2018-08-03, 11:34
    Control on this game is terrible

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