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Treasures of Planets Treasures of Planets Filed Under: Action - Misc Action Games
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Treasures of Planets
154 plays
Date added: 2016-02-05
Description: Exciting action game in which you will collect the treasures of the Planets.
Instructions: Your task is to repel the balls with your robot, until all the blocks are disappear. Be sure to collect the treasures scattered throughout the levels. A thousand points gives you an extra life.

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  • avatar
    HavaA (7260885) Omega Gamer - 2017-03-03, 09:43
    tricky to control but good game

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    TravelinMan (12543243) Omega Gamer - 2017-03-03, 06:53
    the robot is not firing he's deflecting the shot back to the cubes, us the robot as u would in the old ping pong games.

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    Divina (25309854) - 2016-05-27, 05:23
    The robot will fire at anyplace but where you want him to!

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    TravelinMan (12543243) Omega Gamer - 2016-05-13, 05:37
    an updated graphics version of the old old pong games! lol

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    Gilwood (34001552) - 2016-03-07, 16:45
    Fun game, the robot goes anywhere but where you want him to and has some crazy moves :)

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