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108 Online playing
Moto Stunts Moto Stunts Filed Under: Sports Games - Misc Sports
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Moto Stunts
84 plays
Date added: 2018-08-24
Description: Set in 10 separate stages, your objective is to get from start to finish in as much style as possible. 5 skin colors for your driver and 5 skin colors for your bike add to the customization.

Too much speed and you'll land head first; too little and you'll be a coward. Find the right mixture of speed and balance to achieve victory!
Instructions: Navigate = Use arrow Keys
Perform Stunts = 123456 keys

This game is tested but not played. If you find inappropriate content,

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    TravelinMan (12543243) Omega Gamer - 2019-10-14, 06:46
    arrow keys are very unstable.

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    Gilwood (34001552) - 2018-11-24, 16:35
    Maybe one for the joy stick, then again, maybe not :)

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    Divina (25309854) - 2018-11-18, 08:50
    Try hard to stay alive. I failed.

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    deb (26567830) - 2018-08-29, 17:52
    Quite difficult to control.

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    busybee (5059) Beta Gamer - 2018-08-24, 07:56
    Another exercise in futility.

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