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Island Blackjack Island Blackjack Filed Under: Casino - Poker Games
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Island Blackjack
142 plays
Date added: 2016-02-21
Description: A quiet island, excellent weather and an ideal beach serve as a background for this game.
Instructions: Island Black Jack gives you the opportunity to play cards in a comfortable atmosphere and to enjoy the tranquility simultaneously!

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  • avatar
    Gilwood (34001552) - 2017-09-21, 11:02
    Nice game, a little slow.

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    TravelinMan (12543243) Omega Gamer - 2016-07-31, 23:53
    fast paced and the dealer didn't get me this time!

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    HavaA (7260885) Omega Gamer - 2016-04-23, 09:56
    ok game a little boring

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    deb (26583605) - 2016-04-23, 08:22
    You can play up to 3 hands at a time, then you can lose your bets 3 times as fast. lol

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    busybee (5059) Beta Gamer - 2016-04-23, 07:10
    Pretty much set up for you to lose the majority of the time. Fun time filler though.

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