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Duck Hunter 3 Duck Hunter 3 Filed Under: Action - Shooter
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Duck Hunter 3
43 plays
Date added: 2016-02-07
Description: The big hunt begins. Shoot the ducks to score the maximum number of points.
Instructions: The Blue watch adds time. The Red clock takes time. The star adds extra points. Show your agility and prove that you are the best hunter. Happy hunting.

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    TravelinMan (12543243) Omega Gamer - 2016-06-10, 07:31
    excellent duck shooting

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    busybee (5059) Beta Gamer - 2016-02-07, 10:08
    If you can time it right, you can get more than one duck at a time when they are close together. Shoot the blue clocks and the green stars. Leave the red clocks alone.

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    deb (26567830) - 2016-02-07, 07:24
    Get as many blue clocks as you can, they can really boost your score.

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